Anloga Health Centre Rehabilitation Project

Anloga Health Centre

We, the people of Anloga, [(Anloga Development Association (ADA)] are kindly asking you to help our town. We need you to support us in raising £200K towards refurbishment and upgrade of the only health facility in our town. Anloga needs a brighter and more comfortable environment better suited to patients’ needs.

ADA would like you donate money equivalent of bags of cement towards this project. We need 2,000 bags of cement, 10 trucks of gravel and sand, 100 pieces of wawa boards and 4 truckloads of chippings. A bag of cement costs £6.00

This health centre serves over 40,000 inhabitants from 36 local, rural and

riverine communities in the Keta District of Ghana. With no resident doctor, nurses strive to help the over 200 patients that visit the centre each day and night for health support.

Established 61 years ago, the Anloga Health Centre has seen little or no facelift in years, is fast disintegrating and requires substantial overhaul and upgrade.

The present conditions at the Anloga Health Centre is in a deplorable state:

  • The roof of the wards leak profusely resulting in the ceiling decaying and caving in
  • Electrical wires are visibly exposed; hanging and can lead to fire outbreak anytime.
  • Experts say the entire facility needs to be rewired.
  • The only bungalow for visiting doctors is in a deplorable state. The roof drains water when it rains, rusted window frames, damp ceilings, no floor tiling, exposed.
  • There are reports of frequent patient morbidity when being transferred to the nearest hospital 12 miles away for emergency surgeries.
  • The OPD and maternity wards share 10 beds between them. Nurses struggle to   cope when more patients are to be admitted for some hours. Pregnant mothers   end up receiving care on benches and sleeping overnight in plastic chairs.

The first in the series of the rehabilitation project is to erect a fence wall around the health centre which costs £50,000.00.

Please help us save lives. With your support, we will reclaim the clinic land by fencing its perimeter, refurbish the doctor’s bungalow and rehabilitate other facilities to make the centre fit for purpose, prevent incessant mortality and improve health delivery.

The total cost of th

is rehabilitation and refurbishment project over 2 years is £200,000.

If you would like to contribute to this wonderful project, you can purchase a bag of cement to assist with the project

Anloga Health Centre Rehabilitation Project

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