About us

This is a platform for you to contribute your ideas towards progress and development in Anloga. We believe there is strength in Unity!Please REGISTER HERE and become part of the think-tank to develop Anloga. Let your friends and relations also know about this site and register by referring them to Anlogaviwo.com When you register, we will:Keep your name on the register of Anloga citizensRegularly inform you about activities, developments and news in and around Anloga through a quarterly newsletter to which you can feed in your ideas.Introduce you to a platform where you can contribute your views, suggestions and ideas on what we could do to develop Anloga.Invite you to discussions, debates and deliberations that hinge on Anloga’s development and progressPeriodically publish your names so that everyone on the forum can connect to old friends, relations and family long contacted.The main aim of Anloga-viwo.com is to bring Anloga citizens at home and abroad together to contribute positively towards its progress and development.Where is Anloga?As you know and can see on the map above, Anloga is a coastal town situated on the corner of South Eastern Ghana. It is a small strip of land sandwiched between the sea (Atlantic Ocean/ Gulf of Guinea) and the Keta lagoon. It stretches from Avume in the East to Atsiehife in the west. Anloga is the second largest town in the Keta District of the Volta Region, 12 miles to the west of Keta, east of the Volta River.  Anloga is the traditional and spiritual capital of the Anlo state – which is made up of about 36 major towns. This has been the case since the seventeenth century when the people migrated to the Keta Lagoon area from Notsie in Togo.Our forefathers are mainly subsistence farmers. Anloga is known for it’s effective onion [shallot] farming and agbelikaklo industry. Anloga signs to the same anthem as the state: “Anlo kotsiklolo, naketi deka nor dzome binu” meaning ‘Anlo, the unified state, one firewood is able to prepare a meal, which translated means (one man has performed the task assigned to many men).Join the group now. Please REGISTER here!
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