
Anlogaviwo would like you to regularly visit this site as we shall make latest news about your village, town and countryside available for all to chat about. Sometimes, we feel l onely because we miss home and have not heard from loved ones for some time. Why don’t you give a friend a link to this site so that you can have somebody to engage with, connect and talk to about home and promote development of your loved motherland? We all need a way to socialise. Don’t we? We think this is a great chance and opportunity to keep in touch.

Technology has made it possible for us not be alone again. In the warmth of your home you can connect with all your friends at home and abroad on social platforms. Anlogaviwo promises you a great adventure. We want to link you with your friends, relations and colleagues. Be prepared to spend some time with us. Please adjust your speakers. We have links to local dance tunes that can motivate you today. Just join in and remove some of the stiffness from your body. It could help you relax the muscles after a hard day at work. The most important thing is that looking at your local people sing dirges and songs and dance to rhythms you admire give you a chance not only to smile but laugh. Do you know that laughter is medicinal? Check this information out. You would be amazed and would want to laugh all day!

To be in touch means you would need to visit this site often in order to have something to talk about with your friends. You can also explore much more on your own. You partner would love to join in too. This is a great chance for us to discuss the progress others have made and how we can also make some. This could be a big pat on your back. Have you been to home lately? We have some beautiful sceneries from Anloland, Volta Region and Ghana to impress you. The world is developing very fast; whether we like it or not. Cities are evolving. Anloga is evolving! You may not believe the scenes you see. The Anloga you have left behind some time ago is not what it is today. Explore your countryside!

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